Side Effects Overview

A great article discussing the side effects of Anesthesia.

How to Help Yourself

Explanations and self-treatment.

Finding Local Practitioners

This is a complex process, please watch the video.


While this cognitive decline has been clearly linked to surgery, there is no medical consensus as to the underlying cause.  A small group of alternative practitioners have come to believe that these symptoms are the result of the anesthesia and not the surgery itself.  More precisely, a wide set of violent side effects seem to stem from the body’s response to the anesthesia.

How to help yourself

This video presents specific techniques which you can do to reduce your symptoms and learn to self-regulate your condition. Also covered is information on how to avoid certain things which can exacerbate your symptoms. Five distinct techniques are presented; these helpful practices are designed to help you re-gain some measure of control and to teach you how to gently change your state for the better.

Finding Local Practitioners

This video articulates the challenges you may face in trying to find a local practitioner to help you with the Side Effects of Anesthesia. It offers recommendations in terms of what modalities might be helpful, how to search for practitioners, and what questions you can ask in order to find the right person for your needs. Also covered are strategies for using a team of practitioners if no single practitioner with the requisite training and experience is available.

Here are the links to 2 practitioner databases.  SOME of these practitioners have been trained to treat the side effects of anesthesia.  If there is one in your area, I recommend that you call and ask about their training and experience with anesthesia.

The Side Effects of Anesthesia

“Yes, this can happen. No, you’re not crazy.”

Just because most doctors don’t know about the Side Effects of Anesthesia does not automatically mean that you are crazy or that the symptoms are psychosomatic. There are several medical studies which support the existence of the Side Effects of Anesthesia.

“How do I know I’m suffering from the Side Effects of Anesthesia and not something else?”

There are two common denominators for the Side Effects of Anesthesia, two experiences articulated by most people suffering from these Side Effects. Also covered are the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of these Side Effects.

“What exactly is happening to me?”

Three main areas are impacted by anesthesia: Central Nervous System Shock, Escalating Trauma Loop, Protective Reflex that has gone out of control.

“Can anybody or anything help me?”

The bad news is that there aren’t any effective drugs for this condition and most doctors aren’t trained to diagnose it. The good news is that certain types of therapies can help you recover. More bad news: very few therapists are trained in this or have extensive clinical experience. More good news: sometimes a team of therapists can help.

“Medical Merry-Go-Round”

Many doctors respond to the Side Effects of Anesthesia with a game of Medical Hot Potato. Often patients are passed from one doc to another and are rarely taken seriously.


It has been my experience that, for the most advanced practitioners, treatment regimens emerge from their life experiences and personalities as well as from their training and clinical expertise.  The history that follows is relevant because it reveals who I am and how I got here.  My story is interspersed with details regarding my credentials and training, because both are essential aspects of clinical treatment and the therapeutic relationship.

Difference between treatment, medical care, and research

This clip delineates the differences between researchers studying the Side Effects of Anesthesia, doctors who are untrained in diagnosing this condition and who have no drugs available to prescribe, and therapists who orient to the treatment of these Side Effects.

Difficulty of Treatment

In order to treat the Side Effects of Anesthesia therapists need a wide range of training, a very sophisticated skill set, and lots of clinical expertise. With these three components in place, a therapist must be able to address shock in the Central Nervous System, the emotional and psychological fallout, and the chaos in the body’s energy system.

Course of Treatment

This clip details the progression of treatment, including the non-linear and often counter-intuitive nature of the course of treatment.

The Answers That Nobody Has

It is extremely difficult to get accurate information on the Side Effects of Anesthesia. The available information focuses only on cognitive impairment and excludes the emotional and physical Side Effects.

Medical Research

It’s very difficult to find information on the Side Effects of Anesthesia.  In this section I’ve included most of the major studies and their published articles.  Each journal article is available in its entirety in PDF form and includes the authors and the publishing journal.  For each study I’ve written a brief summary of what I considered to be the most salient points.  I also highlighted relevant portions of the PDF in yellow.  The summaries and highlighting are mine and are not from the authors of each study.

Overview of Medical Research

While medical research on the Side Effects of Anesthesia does exist, it is often contradictory, confusing, and very limited in its focus. The main studies that have been done in the US and in Europe are discussed.

Omission of treatment options

Most of the medical research is still focused on determining if the Side Effects of Anesthesia are actually real and how these Side Effects are caused. There is no discussion at all of treating this condition.

Broader View / Larger Picture

This clip presents a more detailed look at the Side Effects of Anesthesia. This includes dysfunction on three levels: Cognition, Emotion, and the Physical Body.

Medical Research Articles

Case Studies

Short written case study: Tom

I’ve selected this case study because Tom’s two sessions highlight the subtlety of the work as well as the challenge of connecting the outcome with the energetic treatment.

Long written case study: Liz

As a general rule, I try to limit each case study to a few pages that highlight the key points.  However, this case study is presented in its entirety because Liz had the misfortune of exhibiting virtually every possible negative side effect from general anesthesia.  Her story includes two trips to the ER, visits with numerous doctors, multiple attempts at medication, and a profoundly negative impact physically, emotionally, and energetically.  Six months after her surgery, Liz has shown dramatic improvement and has been able to resume normal activity.  However, several mild side effects are still expressing in her system.   She recently resumed treatment with the goal of healing completely out of her traumatic experiences with anesthesia.